Credit Bureau Seamless Integrations

Jayam Solutions Credit Bureau Connection Integration integrates credit bureaus. This software is extensible enough so that different credit bureaus can easily be added in near future. The solution was conceived to create an interface which will enable continuous reporting, and seamlessly integrate the Bank's CBS reporting module with the CIBIL's information exchange module.

Jayam Solutions has built CIBIL Integration Solutions application to enable this. There is a lot of systematic approach which was followed in this CIBIL Integration Software. It has built an application module, and has added a lot of value added features.

Some of the main features of this product are:

  • It minimizes business losses by minimizing downtime
  • Avoid the loss of critical data with a high-quality disaster recovery system
  • Help make better decisions by providing the most current, relevant information
  • Keep up with business growth by upgrading easily without interrupting business workflow
  • Improve customer service with a 50% reduction in data processing time
  • Win the trust of customers by maximizing data availability

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